Recent content by Henrywrites

  1. Henrywrites

    Dealer/Gallery Do You Buy Paintings

    I don't at the moment, but my uncle is very active buying them. He spends a lot of money to get them and it has made his home look colorful as well.
  2. Henrywrites

    Online What Are Your Thoughts About Digital Art

    They should be included. Those that created it put in their efforts and time and if you are not skillful, I don't think that you are going to be able to create that kind of art at all.
  3. Henrywrites

    Thrift Best Place for Deals on DVDs/Blu Rays/etc?

    This is the same thing that I do. Thrift stores are even better as you get to have the best deals from doing so. Also, DVD plates are becoming cheaper now and there are deals that one can't turn down.
  4. Henrywrites

    Online Less and less stores selling DVDs/Blu Rays

    No stores will want to have items that buyers are not interested in buying. They want to join the trend and that is something that we should not blame them at all for. Don't you think so?
  5. Henrywrites

    Online Streaming Vs Watching on DVDs

    Nowadays, I want to stream and not stress myself watching on DVD. The DVD is like the past here and you rarely see most people who are watching movies through that method right now.
  6. Henrywrites

    Henry joins.

    Hi, all This is Mr Henry and I am the latest member of this great forum. I feel happy and joyous to be joining here and look forward to making a couple of friends here.
  7. Henrywrites

    Online Are you an aggressive gamer?

    An aggressive gamer is simply one that doesn't play games in a calm way. They are ready to fight, yell, and be confrontation all in a bid to win. Are you one or ever seen someone like that?
  8. Henrywrites

    Online Is Microsoft catching up with Sony?

    Sony is the company that is in charge of making PlayStation consoles and accessories while Microsoft focuses on building Xbox consoles. When you look at recent times, do you think Microsoft is catching up with Sony in all angles?
  9. Henrywrites

    Online Steam Vs Epic

    The thing is that Steam got more games and that is the basic reason I will always go with it at all times.
  10. Henrywrites

    Online PC or mobile?

    Mobile gaming is evolving, and there are some gamers that will want to play for as long as they are enjoying it. However, we have those who are very good at playing on PC. Which one are you? Why do you prefer using PC or mobile to play your favourite games?
  11. Henrywrites

    Pop Vinyls

    My kid sister does collect them and there are times that I feel like I am missing out. You know that kind of feeling where you feel like you should be getting involved in the fun and all of that.
  12. Henrywrites

    share your plans ?

    As long as I trust you, I wouldn't mind sharing my plans with you because I believe that you will do the same. If you are being secretive with me, that is where issues will come up.
  13. Henrywrites

    Entertainment What Song Are You Listening To?

    Adele "Hello" was a hit in my country and that is one song that I have not stopped listening to even after many years that she released that song. I will get to listen to this particular one more.
  14. Henrywrites

    Karma's a b**ch!

    I've seen people suffer for actions that they did in the past. You know when you look at situations and you feel pity for someone for the way they behaved. It is always a moment that I don't wish on anyone.
  15. Henrywrites

    Online Tupac vs Eminem?

    Those that have listened to 2pac sing in the past will say that he is the god of rap songs. There are others that have different views about that. When it comes to rap songs, do you pick Eminem ahead of him?